DEVLOG#10 – Irritating Implementation of Platforming Predicament, Part II: Rune System

Good day, Ascenderians.

Today, I, Chalcedony, the programmer of Ascender, also an intern in devlogging, am going to tell you an important element of Ascender – the rune system. But before we start, let me give you a sneak peek at what feature is being cooked in our kitchen. It’s your turn, Sky!

Yes, drag it along, Sky.

Yes, we plan to extend the usage of hook, so you soon will be able to see Sky happily yanking boxes around Dolopo. Oh, about Dolopo, here’s an animated GIF showing sketches of that city.

Dolopo. Oh, please ignore those odd sprites at the beginning of this GIF. That’s solely for testing.

Enough peeking! Without further ado, let’s get into the rune system! What is rune, you say? Hey, don’t make that what’s-wrong-by-not-knowing-it face! Check this blog post by Amethyst, you will get an explanation why it’s so awesome that it brought us the title “Leading Engineers of Game Mechanics” from Compfest, a prestigious information technology event in Indonesia. Or better yet, play the prototype now!

Alternatively, I’ll just be nice and once again copy-paste his explanation for you.

“So what is Rune? Rune is type of stone that can be found by the player. Each rune can equip Sky with new skill in order to explore the world of Ascender. The trick is that each rune can be only equipped in a limited slot. Player need to figure out how to equip rune effectively and efficiently”.

Rune system

You might have known from the image (or by playing the prototype) that the rune system is placed on a triangular grid. I found that triangular grid suits well with what we need – a simple grid type so anyone would have no trouble fitting the rune in, but not too simple to maintain the ‘puzzleness’ and to preserve some rooms to make it more interesting.

This rune system is appealing, but we want to make it fascinating. We have considered some ideas, such as combining runes to produce new skills, e.g. Fire + Run = able to walk on fire, Strong + Hook = able to pull heavier blocks, etc. We also thought about more rune placement rules, such as which rune must be put close to each other, and which should not, and its consequences.

Along with those thoughts, we also want the rune system to develop as the game progresses. Runes (and slots for runes) will be awarded upon quest completion, and maybe at some other rare occasions.

Now you know the charm of rune system in Ascender, let’s talk a bit about the implementation, a.k.a. the annoying math and programming stuffs. First thing first: How can we construct a coordinate system for this grid? Actually, there has already some solutions on the net, with this being on top of the search result:

Example of a coordinate system for triangular grid

The implementation was straightforward. Here, we choose (0, 0, L) as the origin, and assign the triplet (x, y, z) to each triangle slot, with x and y being integers and z being L or R. Note that for each increment of x by 1, we move right exactly 1 triangle length, and for each increment of y by 1, we move up exactly 1 triangle height, and right by 0.5 triangle length. If z is L, the triangle is upright, but if it is R, it is upside down and shifted right by 0.5 unit of triangle length.

Then another problem jumped out when we needed the rune so it can be rotated. Now how do you map some point to another when it is rotated around the origin by 60 degrees? Try it – you will know that it’s not a trivial process (except maybe you are some geometry whiz, that’s it).

Rotating the rune. Note that each rotation is exactly 60 degrees.

After some hours thinking, I decided to play with some other coordinate system, like this one below.

Some weird coordinate system for the triangular grid

Now, the coordinate only needs x and y, but it omit some points as it is not valid to put a triangle in, such as point (0, 0). All valid points have odd y coordinate. Moreover, we need to derive a formula to know whether the triangles should be upright or upside-down. On top of that, the distance in y-axis is shorter than x-axis (it’s approximately 0.87 times, = 0.5 tan 60)). It looks totally uglier than what we had before. But, by some magic process, I then found a way to map it!

Imagine we are to rotate point (x, y) by 60 degrees. By using rotation matrix, we have the new point (x’, y’) to be (x cos 60 – y sin 60, x sin 60 + y cos 60). But remember that the y-axis is ‘shorter’ by half of tan 60 times than the x-axis! All in all, it turns out to be easier after we done those trigonometry calculations. Aw, yeah! Simply put, convert from integer coordinate to Cartesian, do rotation, then convert back to our integer coordinate system.

Well, that’s one problem about Ascender’s rune system solved. But we still have plenty things to experiment with, and we need your help for that! Remember about making it fascinating? How about some suggestions in these things.

  1. What other platforming skills would you like to see?
  2. Is combining runes compelling? What rune combination do you suggest?
  3. What rune placement rule do you think is intriguing? Are there any game which you must put puzzle piece in interesting ways?
  4. Do you have any ideas to make the rune system (or even the whole game) more engaging?

If you have any thoughts, fill the comment section below and we will be very glad to hear it.

Now, for a closing, check out Ascender’s Starter Bundle: You’ll get the release version of Ascender (when it is released, of course), together with some exclusive rare items, such as digital wallpaper, soundtrack, mouse pad, and a 4GB flash disk! As a bonus, we also included 3 of our games inside! Alas, it’s for sale in Indonesia only, though.

Ascender starter bundle

Whew, this is the longest blog entry so far, but now is the time for us to part. Always keep this blog in sight, though, as future updates might pop up anytime soon! Thanks for reading!



DEVLOG#08 – We won something huge.. thanks to our Rune System

Hello all Ascenderians,

We finally meet again. It is me, Amethyst, the lead designer of Ascender. Today I would like to share an amazing news for all of you. We have just competed at one of the biggest IT event in Indonesia called COMPFEST or Computer Festival 2015 in One of the category that is Indie Game Ignite. It is a tough competition, other finalist have a good game but we are very happy that we eventually received 2nd place 😀

The Awards

As the game designer, one of the best moment is when the game also receive the title Leading Engineers of Game Mechanics. The title means that our gameplay mechanics has impress the jury compared to other games. It boost our confidence for what we have designed but also give us more pressure to maintain the quality of the game.

One of the feature that is being highlighted by the jury is the rune system. They thought the system is unique, even though some other game use a similar system. They said that similar mechanics never really implemented in a explorative platformer.

Rune Console

So what is Rune? Rune is type of stone that can be found by the player. Each rune can equip Sky with new skill in order to explore the world of Ascender. The trick is that each rune can be only equipped in a limited slot. Player need to figure out how to equip rune effectively and efficiently.

They also mentioned that we have to be careful in puzzle based game. We have to make sure that the puzzle is both challenging and interesting to the player. We also need to really focus on the PC audience and look on what kind of successful game that use puzzle as the main theme.

It is an interesting experience for us, we are glad that we received a lot of input from the jury, our fellow finalist and also visitors to our booth. Before I end this post, In commemoration of our win in COMPFEST 2015, I announce that the prototype of the game is now available to download in IndieDB. Don’t forget to download, play and the most important thing is give us your feedback.

That is all Ascenderians 🙂



DEVLOG#05 – Irritating Implementation of Platforming Predicament, Part I: Basic Character Control

Hello Ascenderians!

I’m Chalcedony, the programmer of Ascender, also a part-timer in devlog writing. Programming Ascender has been a great challenge for me as none of my previous projects are of this level of difficulty. Having said that, I would like to share how complex to code Ascender is, a task that might look simple, but really it isn’t.

As you might have known by now, Ascender is a 2D explorative metroidvania-like game, with a dash of RPG elements. Well, there is actually so much to code. Besides the usual main menu, pause function, etc., which are found in almost all games, some of them are (in no particular order):

  • Character movement (how he moves, including his skills such as double jump, wall jump, etc.)
  • Environment (moving platforms, floor switches)
  • Inventory
  • Dialogues (managing who talks what given current condition, e.g. possess an item, undergone a quest, different talk between night and day)
  • Quest and event system (trigger cutscene or unlock quests when certain condition occurred)
  • Camera movement
  • AI for monsters (mainly bosses)
  • Input management (interfacing different input methods: keyboards, joysticks)
  • Rune system

FYI, rune system is an element unique to Ascender. Think of it as a crossover between jigsaw and skillset manager… You gain the abilities by placing the jigsaw pieces! This feature is so *IMPORTANT* that it deserves its own page… Keep your eyes peeled for information on future updates!

runeSystemIn-game rune system

Ascender is a platformer game, and I’ll be nice to copy-paste Wikipedia about the definition of platformer games (after all, that’s what all programmers are master at – copy-pasting).

A platform game (or platformer) is a video game which involves guiding an avatar to jump between suspended platforms, over obstacles, or both to advance the game. (taken from

Now, there is this guy named Rodrigo who wrote about platformer types. The original article can be found in . Summarised, depending on the implementation, there are four ways to create platformer games.

  1. Tile-based (e.g. Lode Runner)
  2. Smooth tile-based (e.g. Megaman, Super Mario, Metroid, Contra)
  3. Bitmask (e.g. Worms)
  4. Vector (e.g. Braid, Limbo)

platformerThe four means of implementing platformer games

Pop quiz. Which approach did we take?

Answer: Look at those masterpiece created by our artists! Of course they won’t go easy on us programmers – we have to implement their wildest dreams! By far only option 4 satisfy them.

Having chosen option 4, there is one critical question before we proceed any further. Will you use an existing physics engine, or will you write your own physics engine? For those who are feeling bold, option 2 may yield better result, but for time-constrained project like we have right here, we took the first approach and use Unity as the game engine.

Now I shall introduce you the very first element we have to implement: How the character moves. Moving left and right on a flat surface is as simple as it gets, you just have to apply acceleration until you hit some maximum velocity so your character won’t run too fast.

The problem begins with slope. Let me give you pointers by showing some cases that you *MIGHT* want to consider if you’re going with physics.



Slopes, expectation vs. reality

Running on those slopes launches your character into the air? Hey, snap out of it, physics! Now how do we cope with this problem? Use raycast! That way you can prevent jumping off the slope problem.



Raycasting helps on ground detection

In fact, raycast might be a good solution for many problems you might encounter in developing a platformer game. Detecting switch? Shooting a projectile? Pushing blocks? If none other works you should look into raycasting. Take a look at this example showing how you *must not* push a block.


Hey, I’d like to tell much more, but look at the time! I’ve written too much for today, so let’s talk about the other game elements later! Now it’s your turn to write your thoughts on the comment box below, and hit subscribe! That’s all, folks, thanks for reading!
